It began with an idea
Two opposing chess pieces
There were many ideas and businesses that sprang to life during the Covid period of 2020 - 2022 and this idea is but one.
In November of each year, a number of law firm owners converge in Northern NSW to come together for some intense learning and creative mayhem that has come to be known as the ‘Happy Lawyer Retreat’.
The usual meetup was disrupted by various lockdown and border restrictions so the 2020 and 2021 retreat saw us meet up in small ‘pods’ and link up via video conference.
During the two-day conference I noticed that in between each of the speakers, the small group participants had intense conversations about the details of practice.
The questions being discussed hastily between sessions were very detailed - comparing notes on different aspects of law practice, asking about details in procedures and braingstorming ways to deal with particular legal and business issues.
It goes without saying that the benefit of the ‘small pod’ discussions were just as valuable as the sessions that were being formally delivered.
From the two virtual retreats, the seed was planted for a way in which lawyers could assist each other more readily.
The Status Quo
As you know doubt are aware, lawyers have traditionally been highly protective of their methodology, their know-how, their precedents and their intellectual property.
Traditionally, law has been an adversarial practice and only in more recent times has the concept of ‘collaborative practice’ been developed.
Collaborative practice, however, centres on achieving outcomes for two opposing clients.. It is rare that lawyers collaborate with each other for the betterment of both practices.
As a result, the practice of law can be a lonely and stressful place - particulalry for smaller firms and those in regional areas.
Imagining a New Way to Practice
What would it look like if lawyers shared their know-how, their precedents and their training materials with each other ?
What if lawyers believed that practice collaboration and support resulted in both practices benefiting ?
What if there was a way to access training and materials at accessible pricing for lawyers and their team ?
What if there was a centralised platform where lawyers could monetise and share their own resources with other lawyers and their teams ?
What if we did away with the traditional approach and actually worked together for the benefit of all ?
What if by working together, we could assist other lawyers as they come through the ranks and offer supportive learning and training envrionemnts ?
What if, over time, we could ……..actually……change….. the…. profession…… ?
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